The monastery complex in Ostrov, the so-called Sacred Precinct, is found on the western edge of the historical core of Ostrov, in the proximity of the famous Château Park (formerly known as the Eighth Wonder of the World). No aficionado of Baroque architecture should miss out on visiting it.
The history of the monastery complex reaches back to 1644, when the cornerstone of the first building was laid – the funeral Chapel of St Anne which served as the family tomb of the Dukes of Saxe-Lauenberg and the Margraves of Baden. Gradually, more buildings were constructed here.
Beginning in the 1950s, a military unit was stationed in the complex, and the Baroque buildings fell into disrepair and were practically decrepit through the course of its stay. The extensive reconstruction of the monastery complex between 2001 and 2007 began writing the new chapter in the history of the monastery. The monuments were rebuilt practically from ruins, and new life was injected into them, and that to such a degree that many visitors compare it to a miracle.
The Present
All buildings, except for the monastery cloister, are presently open to the public and serve as an extraordinary museum exhibit. On 10 May 2019, the new exhibition “Sacred Art of the Western Ore Mountain Region” and the exhibition “Decrepit Churches in the Karlovy Vary Region” was ceremoniously opened.